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What is Git Clone?

Cloning is the act of making a copy of any target repository. The target repository can be remote or local. You can clone your repository from the remote repository to create a local copy on your system. Also, you can sync between the two locations.

The git clone is a command-line utility which is used to make a local copy of a remote repository. It accesses the repository through a remote URL.

Usually, the original repository is located on a remote server, often from a Git service like GitHub or GitLab. The remote repository URL is referred to the origin.

How to clone?

for cloning you must have git installed in your device.
Then go to the repo u want to clone and copy the HTTPS code by clicking the button given on the top of repo.
Then back to ur desktop and open command prompt (Cmd).

cd desktop →(Note: it is command to locate desktop in cmd)

git clone ≺repository URL that you copied≻

Now downloading process starts and a folder with the repo name apper at your desktop.
you have now a clone copy of the repo at your local.